Release Notes 6.1.0
What’s new in the latest version of Indeni? Enhancements in the core platform across Indeni Server, Collector, and Knowledge.
See below for the detailed notes for 6.0.71 included in this platform release. Customers head over to the Indeni Forum to join the conversation around these capabilities or explore our learning paths. Want the latest build? Download the latest version.
- AWK parser does not consume a ton of CPU with big inputs
- The location of indeni server backup files change since version 6.1.x and now available in `/usr/share/indeni-services/backups`
- Device status icon doesn’t update when device is not responding
- Alerts_page route is no longer failing
- Created a dashboard screen for Indeni analysis functionality
- Devices screen – added ability to sort and filter by device status
- Added inventory report export option
- Implemented thread pool on DS
- Lazy loading client resources instead of requesting all when application loads
- Added routing and static file serving service
- Displayed versions and now allow updates from UI
- Added mgmt operations service
- Added web pack dev middleware