Part 6: Settings
The Settings tab offers a variety of options for configuring Indeni. Generally, ‘Admin’ level permissions are required to access this tab. Users with ‘Admin’ level permissions use this tab to add users, assign privileges, view audit log, update your indeni version, configure integrations, application settings and proxy settings.
About is where you can view and update your Indeni version.

We highly recommend you check the Release Notes before Installing available updates. New rules can be introduced that may generate unwanted notifications. You can turn on and off notifications in Settings > Users.
License is where here you can view and update your license information. You can also reveal your Challenge Code, which is what you will want to provide to Indeni if you need to renew your license.

About License Enforcement
About expiring licenses
As you approach your license expiration date, warning alerts are generated. To ensure you see the warning message, a pop-up window will be displayed once upon user login. Users are requested to acknowledge the message. A log entry will be generated with the username and timestamp for reference.
When your license expires, the system will not function. Alerts will no longer be generated. A critical alert will be shown to all users upon every user login to inform them. We recommend renewing your license when the warnings begin. You can review your license expiration dates from Settings -> About.
About license counts
Starting v7.12, license counts will be enforced.
As you approach your license limits, warning alerts are generated. To ensure you see the warning message, a pop-up window will be displayed once upon user login. Users are requested to acknowledge the message. A log entry will be generated with the username and timestamp for reference.
We offer a license overdraft feature. This feature allows you to use an additional 10% of extra licenses beyond the purchase quantity to prevent service disruption. Once the count is over the 10% additional allowance, the system will no longer function. The license overdraft feature is offered as a convenience, not an entitlement. Any overdraft licenses should be purchased within 30 days of first use.
A critical alert will be shown to all users upon login to inform them about the overage. Unlike the warning state, a pop-window is displayed every time a user logins. We recommend reviewing your license usage when the warnings begin to avoid service disruption. You can review the number of device licenses you have purchased from Settings -> About.
Integrations is where you can manage SMTP, LDAP, ServiceNow, SMNP, and SYSLOG information.

Users is where you can add, and manage, the level of access you want to assign to specific users. You can also set what kind of notifications the user should receive. This is where you will want to disable email temporarily if doing an update or upgrade.
Icons that are highlighted grey are selected for notification, the white tabs are deselected from notification.
In 7.3, you can force the user to change password at the next login for any account. This is because you have a policy to enforce new users to change their passwords, or you want to enforce the admin account to change the system default password. Edit the User name of interest, toggle the “Ask for a password change at the next login” button to on (blue is on, grey is off). This is a quick way to expire a password for an account.
In 7.3, you can also instruct the system to automatically generate a password on behalf of the user. The system-generated password will be sent via email to the user so you must provide the email address of the user.