Open Source Credits

At Indeni we are using some really great open source software that helped us in building our automation platform. In order to share our love back, here is the list of open-source software that we are using.


Package name


ubuntu 14.04
postgresql 9.4
accessors-smart 1.1
activation 1.1
akka-actor_2.11 2.4.17
akka-http_2.11 10.0.6
akka-http-core_2.11 10.0.6
akka-http-spray-json_2.11 10.0.6
akka-parsing_2.11 10.0.6
akka-slf4j_2.11 2.4.17
akka-stream_2.11 2.4.17
asm 5.0.3
asm-commons 5.0.2
asm-debug-all 5.0.2
asm-tree 5.0.2
aws-java-sdk-core 1.10.50
aws-java-sdk-kms 1.10.50
aws-java-sdk-s3 1.10.50
bcel 5.2
bcel-findbugs 6
bcpkix-jdk15on 1.55
bcprov-jdk15on 1.55
commons-cli 1.2
commons-codec 1.1
commons-collections 3.2.1
commons-compress 1.4.1
commons-configuration 1.6
commons-dbcp2 2.1.1
commons-io 1.4
commons-lang 2.6
commons-logging 1.1.1
commons-math3 3.3
commons-pool2 2.4.2
config 1.3.0
dom4j 1.6.1
expect4j 1.2
guava 19
hamcrest-core 1.3
httpclient 4.3.6
httpcore 4.3.3
istack-commons-runtime 2.4
jackson-annotations 2.6.3
jackson-core 2.6.3
jackson-databind 2.6.3
jakarta-regexp 1.4
javassist 3.16.1-GA
jawk 1.03-SNAPSHOT
jcip-annotations 1
jetty-http 9.1.4.v20140401
jetty-io 9.1.4.v20140401
jetty-jmx 9.1.4.v20140401
jetty-jsp 9.1.4.v20140401
jetty-schemas 3.1.M0
jetty-security 9.1.4.v20140401
jetty-server 9.1.4.v20140401
jetty-servlet 9.1.4.v20140401
jetty-util 9.1.4.v20140401
jetty-webapp 9.1.4.v20140401
jetty-xml 9.1.4.v20140401
joda-convert 1.6
joda-time 2.1
json-path 2.2.0
json-smart 2.2.1
json4s-ast_2.11 3.3.0
json4s-core_2.11 3.3.0
json4s-jackson_2.11 3.3.0
json4s-native_2.11 3.3.0
json4s-scalap_2.11 3.3.0
jul-to-slf4j 1.7.21
log4j 1.2.14
logback-classic 1.1.7
logback-core 1.1.2
metrics-core 3.1.0
metrics-healthchecks 3.1.0
metrics-jvm 3.1.0
metrics-logback 3.1.0
mimepull 1.8
moultingyaml_2.11 0.2
nscala-time_2.11 2.2.0
org.eclipse.jdt.core 3.8.2.v20130121
paranamer 2.3
reactive-streams 1.0.0
reflections 0.9.9-RC1
scala-java8-compat_2.11 0.7.0
scala-library 2.11.8
scala-logging_2.11 3.1.0
scala-parser-combinators_2.11 1.0.4
scala-reflect 2.11.8
scala-xml_2.11 1.0.2
scalikejdbc_2.11 2.4.2
scalikejdbc-core_2.11 2.4.2
scalikejdbc-interpolation_2.11 2.4.2
scalikejdbc-interpolation-macro_2.11 2.4.2
scopt_2.11 3.5.0
slf4j-api 1.7.7
snakeyaml 1.16
snmp4j 2.5.0
snmp4j-agent 2.5.1
spray-json_2.11 1.3.3
sshd-core 1.3.0
ssl-config-core_2.11 0.2.1
streambuffer 1.5
woodstox-core-asl 4.1.2
xml-apis 1.0.b2
babel 6.23.0
babel-core 6.25.0
babel-loader 6.4.1
babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx 6.24.1
babel-polyfill 6.23.0
babel-preset-airbnb 2.4.0
babel-preset-es 6.24.1
babel-preset-react 6.24.1
backbone 1.3.3
backbone-validation 0.11.5
baconjs 0.7.9
bootstrap 3.3.7
chai 4.1.0
chai-as-promised 6.0.0
css-loader 0.23.1
d3 3.5.1
ejs-loader 0.2.1
enzyme 2.9.1
express 4.15.3
extract-text-webpack-plugin 1.0.1
file-loader 0.8.5
file-saver 1.3.3
gulp 3.9.1
gulp-iconfont 8.0.1
gulp-iconfont-css 2.1.0
gulp-install 0.6.0
gulp-less 3.3.2
gulp-rename 1.2.2
gulp-requirejs 0.1.3
gulp-shell 0.6.3
gulp-svg-sprite 1.3.7
gulp-uglify 1.5.4
gulp-util 3.0.8
jasmine-core 2.6.4
less-loader 2.2.3
linkifyjs 2.1.4
lodash 3.10.1
marked 0.3.6
moment 2.18.1
phantomjs 2.1.7
query-string 4.3.4
react 15.6.1
react-addons-test-utils 15.6.0
react-dom 15.6.1
react-test-renderer 15.6.1
requirejs 2.3.3
run-sequence 1.2.2
selenium-standalone 6.5.0
style-loader 0.13.2
url-loader 0.5.9
webpack 1.15.0
ws 3.0.0
yargs 8.0.2
body-parser 1.17.2
boom 5.2.0
cookie-parser 1.4.3
cors 2.8.4
debug 2.6.8
express 4.15.3
express-winston 2.4.0
pg 6.4.1
request 2.81.0
serve-favicon 2.4.3
winston 2.3.1
lz4-java 1.4.0
activedirectory ^0.7.2
ldapjs ^1.0.1
node-ssha256 ^0.1.1
axios 0.18.0
basic-auth ^2.0.0
joi ^13.1.2
jsonwebtoken 8.1.1
pg 7.4.1
pg-hstore 2.3.2
sequelize 4.33.4
memory-cache 2.83.0
request-promise 4.2.2
async 2.6.0
compression ^1.7.1
crypto-js ^3.1.9-1
helmet ^3.9.0
http-status 1.0.1
jquery ^3.2.1
ldapauth-fork ^4.0.2
node-xlsx 0.11.0
passport ^0.4.0
passport-ldapauth ^2.0.0
prop-types ^15.6.0
sinon ^4.4.6
squel ^5.12.0
hk2-api 2.4.0-b34
javax.inject 2.4.0-b34
jersey-server 2.22.2
quartz 2.2.1
xstream 1.4.9
mail 1.4.7
system-rules 1.12.0
HikariCP 2.7.1
flyway-core 4
config 1.3.0
rrd4j 2.2
trove4j 3.0.3
jaxws-rt 2.2.7 2
jersey-container-servlet 2.22.2
itextpdf 5.3.0
jaxb-api 2.2.4
jsr181-api 1.0-MR1
jsr305 2.0.3
jersey-media-json-jackson 2.22.2
equalsverifier 1.7.6
jimfs 1.1
mockito-all 1.10.19
junit 4.12
scalatest_2.11 2.2.6
scalamock-scalatest-support_2.11 3.3.2
scalamock-core_2.11 3.3.2
Ansible 2.5

BlueCat acquires Indeni to boost its industry-leading DNS, DHCP and IP address management platform to help customers proactively assess network health and prevent outages.