Enable Insight Manually
This guide is designed to help those who did not opt-into Indeni Insights at the beginning of the Installation process and will need to enable manually. Do not complete these steps if you already have Indeni Insights enabled.
Please note that Insight requires access to “service.indeni-ops.com” over ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS).
If you haven’t enabled Indeni Insight during installation, please do the following to do so manually:
- SSH into the Indeni virtual machine:
username: indeni
password: indeni4it
Run this command to set:
psql indeni -c "update configuration set value = 'true' where key = 'insight.enabled';"
Run this command this command to verify that it’s been updated in the psql database:
psql indeni -c "select * from configuration where key ='insight.enabled';"