3.2 Issues Tab

The Issues tab displays all current issues as well as the complete list of all analyzed devices and their associate issues. You can filter by Issue ID, Issue Headline, Device Name, Severity, Label, Assignee, Issues Status, Created Time, Updated Time, and Rule Categories. You can also Export issue data in CSV format by clicking the Export icon at the top of the issue table.

Navigating the Issues Table

Search Bar

Entering a query in the search bar will bring up the list of issues whose headlines match the search query.

Columns may be increased or reduced in width. To increase or decrease the width, hover over the edge of the column until the re-sizing icon is displayed, then drag the edge right or left to increase or decrease the width respectively. 

Use the stacked bars icon to edit or filter issues for individual devices, group of devices, severity, issue resolution, assignee, vendors or rule categories. You can also sort by any column. 

Columns may also be automatically resized, by clicking the stacked bars icon and selecting the option to auto-size the column width. 

You can choose you columns.

Columns may be swapped with other columns. This can be done by dragging the column title over other columns. The replaced column will then trade places with the moved column. 

The Issue Table may also be filtered and sorted. 

Sort the table by clicking the column title. A small indicator arrow will appear, indicating the sorting order. 

 Filter the table by selecting the funnel icon  

Please Note: When issues have been successfully resolved (greyed out) it will remain on display until the user acknowledges and archives it, or filters by unresolved issues.

The checkboxes in the left column allow users to manage multiple issues. The topmost checkbox (in the header row) will allow you to check or uncheck all boxes at once.

The Severity column will display the severity type based on the color flag of each issue.

Colors range from red to blue to distinguish critical warnings from less severe issues. This allows users to find and resolve issues most likely to cause imminent downtime and to visually assess the type of issue and remedial action required. Indeni assigns a unique ID number to each issue as it occurs. If the circle is solid, it indicates the issue is active. If the circle is hollow, it indicates that the issue is in cooldown state. 

By default, issues display in descending order of severity and by date modified.

The ID uniquely identifies the issue. The Headline displays the actual issue information and a brief description of the condition Indeni has observed.  The Device IP column displays the device management IP address assigned to each device for which an issue has been flagged. Device column displays the device name assigned to each device for which an issue has been flagged, The Categories column identifies the type of issue. The Vendors column identifies the device vendor and the corresponding Labels. The Assignee column displays who the issue has been assigned to, followed by when the issue was Created and last Updated.

Please note that if you do not see a particular issue, look at the number of filter applied. You may need to CLEAR FILTER.

Grouping Issues

You can group issues by dragging a column title to Drag here to set row groups. You can group issues by Headline, Device, Severity, Status or Assignee.

You can even drag multiple columns.

Rrules are categorized. There are currently seven different categories:

  • Health Checks
  • High Availability
  • Ongoing Maintenance
  • Organization Standards
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Security Risks
  • Vendor Best practices

Please note that a rule can belong to multiple Rule Categories.

Retaining The Issue Table View

The Issue Table view, including the selected columns, filtering and sorting applied will persist when navigating away from and back to the Issues Page. This enables you to configure your favorite view without having to re-adjust it. This view is saved on your browser and will be retained on the specific endpoint and browser used.

Please note that clicking on the header section in the UI will restore the view to its default setting.

Assignment of Multiple Issues to a Single User

On Indeni’s Alerts page, you can assign one or more issues to a single user with one action. This will allow you to quickly view any unassigned issues, and ensure that every issue is assigned to a user.

To assign multiple issues to a (single) user, select the relevant issue(s), select the appropriate user from the drop-down menu

You will then see the status in the “Assignee” column change to the selected username (“admin” in the case of the above example) for the selected issues.

Detailed Issue Review

To review a reported issue in more detail, simply click on an issue of interest to update the Issue Summary page on the right-hand side. You do not need to use the checkbox to expand the issue.

The Issue Description section will give you a general description overview and explanation of the problem. Just below that you will see Issue Items relating to the reported problem, like the actual licenses that are impacted. If you want to remove a specific item, and keep others, you can do so by hovering over an item and click the x mark. This will effectively Archive that specific issue item.

You can also provide Custom Instructions that gives users the option to add their own notes, which are a great way to supplement the Remediation Steps (Indeni’s recommendation) and actionable direction to address the issue.

You can select More Issue Info for more details, Exclude it (see below), or by selecting the appropriate action from the side-pan. You can also send the details to Indeni Support if you have questions around the issue.

Issues with Multiple Items

Click on Overview to get a better view of reoccurring and consistent issues. For example, License Expired has multiple Issue Items, as seen in the following example:

The chart gives you a visual view of when the issue was generated, helping you get a better understanding of when the system is reporting it.

Exclude an Issue Item

Starting 7.3.1, you can exclude an Issue Item within an issue persistently. Select the issue by hovering over the item you wish to exclude and click the blue mark shown as below in the example below.

In the next rule evaluation for CP-R80.20-GW8-2, License CK-B2A38B76CDAD will be excluded from the issue and it will be reflected in the UI. In other words, this license entry will disappear from the UI. An entry will be created in the rule configuration with the exclusion pattern set to “CK-B2A38B76CDAD”. To see this entry, click the “VIEW CONFIGURATION” button and the system will take you to the “License Expired” rule. Alternatively, you can navigate to the “License Expired” rule from Knowledge Explorer. 

If you change your mind, you can just remove the entry. You can also exclude multiple issue items. Remember, this will take effect in the next rule evaluation cycle. 

NOTE: With the introduction of the “exclude an issue item” feature, we retire the ability to archive an issue item. The rationale is that you can use the exclude capability to state that you don’t care about a specific issue item. If you change your mind later, you can update the exclusion settings from Knowledge Explorer. 

BlueCat acquires Indeni to boost its industry-leading DNS, DHCP and IP address management platform to help customers proactively assess network health and prevent outages.