Indeni Insight
When subscribing to Indeni, Indeni Insight is also enabled. Indeni Insight is a massive database of knowledge, composed of checks, misconfigurations, and issues created from networks from all over the world. Indeni utilizes this anonymized data to continuously expand its learning curve, in an effort to better predict, prevent, and give our users remedial, comprehensive solutions to their most common problems they did not know they had. Please note that Insight requires access to “” over ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS).
What data is being sent?
- Issues issued by Indeni, excluding IP addresses and confidential information Indeni deems sensitive.
- Trends of critical metrics on devices Indeni is connected to – such as CPU, memory, disk space, NIC utilization.
- Samples of logs from devices Indeni is connected to with IP addresses and sensitive information removed.
- A copy of the inventory report (similar to what’s issued via Indeni’s web dashboard), with IP addresses and sensitive information removed.
- Information of the Indeni server itself (version, memory usage, disk space usage, etc.).
- Current configuration of the Indeni server (devices connected to, users defined, etc.). Note that this configuration does not contain passwords or keys.
Data Types:
- Indeni – Version, Build
- User – Email
- Device – Monitored Vendor, Model, OS_Name, OS_Version, VS_Host*, VS_Count*, Chassis*
- Notifications – Headline, Severity, Resolved, Archived
*Indeni Setting
Why is this data being sent?
The data is used to collect industry-wide statistics on how devices are being used, what issues are occurring, the performance of the devices, etc. And with this knowledge, we can learn and identify more issues. Specific device data, such as the logs, are used to improve our algorithms for expanding our knowledge automatically. For example, certain logs that appear across multiple devices in multiple locations help us discern their importance.
Who has access to the data?
Only select Indeni employees (that are under confidentiality agreements) have access to the data for the sake of analyzing it and improving our knowledge. They utilize the data to construct reports on trends in the industry as well as customized reports for customers helping them compare themselves to similar organizations around the world. Indeni goes to great lengths to ensure data is secure and safe. Our founding team is composed of cybersecurity experts and we put the security of our customers and our own assets at the top of our list of priorities.
How is the data secured?
Before the data leaves the Indeni server, it is cleaned (IP addresses and sensitive information removed), archived, and encrypted. It is then sent to our file store on Amazon Web Services (S3) using HTTPS. The file is then pulled by a separate system, decrypted and analyzed. The results of the analysis are stored in several different databases that are only accessible using two-factor-based credentials available to a few key Indeni employees. The data stored in these databases is separated to ensure that it cannot be used in a manner that may compromise the safety of any of our customers.